For the second day in a row, we have exciting actions at Dortmund. Black won 2 games today!
Aronian with the White pieces lost to Svidler
Jobava with the White pieces lost to Kramnik
Adams drew Naiditsch
Leko drew Gelfand
So after 6 rounds, here are the standings:
1-2. 4.0 GM Peter Leko (Hungary, 2738), GM Peter Svidler (Russia, 2742)
3-4. 3.5 GM Michael Adams (England, 2732), GM Vladimir Kramnik (Russia, 2743)
5. 3.0 GM Boris Gelfand (Israel, 2729)
6. 2.5 GM Arkadij Naiditsch (Germany, 2664)
7. 2.0 GM Levon Aronian (Armenia, 2761)
8. 1.5 GM Baadur Jobava (Georgia, 2651)
Tomorrow will be the final round! Can Kramnik catch up?
These are the final round matchups:
Boris Gelfand (3) – Levon Aronian (2)
Vladimir Kramnik (3.5) – Peter Leko (4)
Arkadij Naiditsch (2.5) – Baadur Jobava (1.5)
Peter Svidler (4) – Michael Adams (3.5)
As you can see, the two leaders (Leko and Svidler) will face the next two in the standings (Adams and Kramnik). This is as exciting as you can get!
Kramnik vs. Leko is going to be a draw. Only mystery is how many moves it is going to last.
Or maybe not. 🙂
Kramnik wins over Leko
Gelfand wins over Aronian (very nice game!)
Naiditsch wins over Jobava
Svidler and Adams draw
Kramnik isn’t always very aggressive, but Leko is developing a habit of folding at the end of tough events.
Aronian’s collapse seems surprising.
Kramnik won and ended up first with Svidler!!!! Topalov is next on Kramnik’s menu. You heard it here first, Kramnik will beat Topalov!!! I wonder what Susan feels about this? Who would she pick?
As I predict in this blog many days ago, Svidler wins.
Congratulations to Peter, the best chess player in the world.