1.Ne6+ Kf7 (1…Ke8 2.Rc8+)3.Ng5+ Ke8 (2…Kg6 3.Qf7#)4.Qxg8+ Bf8 (4…Kd7 5.Qc8+) 5.Qf7+ Kd8 6.Ne6+ Qxe6 7.Qxe6 and there is no escape from Rc8# after 2 moves
i have to admit though clown that was a creative idea 1.f3 that I did not even acknowledge as a possibility but yes 1.f3 Qxg3 2. Kf1 Bc5 saves the day from checkmate it seems which otherwise would have been a very pretty decoy of the queen from protecting c8. i did not see this one…..but then again i just woke up. i saw everything until Rc5+ which decoys the Bishop from the e-file making Qxe4 mate possible in the end. i was trying to mate with queen and rook after 1. Ne6 Kf7 2.Ng5 Kg6 (actually although not practical I think Ke8 probably holds out a few more moves) 3. Qf7+ Kf5 4. e4+ Qxe4 5. Nxe4 Kxe4 6. Qe6+ Kd4 7.Qd7+ Kd6 8. Qxd6+ Ke4 9.Qe6+ Kd4 10.Qd7+ Ke4 11. Re1+ Kf3 12. Re3 mate. So the mate is 4 moves quicker than the one i found. with the rook sac decoy, very nice
after i was done trying to figure out on my own i wanted to put this in my computer to see exactly what it is and its an official forced mate in 10 moves. id like to put this in local newspaper, Susan who was your opponent? If i may ask?
… i wanted to post my line – no chance – there are impatient chess nerds around who could not resist to put the position into a rybka or shredder or fritz!
no fun guys – really no fun!
i hope, you are straight on the way to earn this grandmaster title
– all day long i was waiting for the daily puzzle from our great hostess – just to meet a computer line … mate in 10 … grrrrrr
Zsuzsa, írnak a blogodról a Népszabó blogoldalán: http://vilagfalu.nolblog.hu/?post_id=18837
A matt szerintem He6+-kal kezdődik. 🙂
1.Ne6+ Kf7 (1…Ke8 2.Rc8+)3.Ng5+ Ke8 (2…Kg6 3.Qf7#)4.Qxg8+ Bf8 (4…Kd7 5.Qc8+) 5.Qf7+ Kd8 6.Ne6+ Qxe6 7.Qxe6 and there is no escape from Rc8# after 2 moves
Hussar at e6 check, eh?
1.f3 Qxg3+ 2. Kf1 and no move to defend
1.f3 is almost the only move to draw. lol
Lantonov, yes, we call the knight hussar (huszár). 🙂
Note for your line:
1. Ne6+ Kf7 2. Ng5+ Kg6 3. Qf7+ Kf5 4. Rc5+ Bxc5 5. Qd7+ Kg6 6. Qe8+ Kf5 7. e4+
Qxe4 8. Qxe4#
draw? interesting, so how?
will explain it a bit more clear:
1.f3 Qxg3+ (there is another better choice?) 2. Kf1
with the idea of Rc8. Do you see anything to defend?
Ok, 1.f3 Qxg3 2.Kf1 Bc5 3.Rxc5 Ne7 with white advantage but not mate near in sight
Right, i did not see the f5 square
i have to admit though clown that was a creative idea 1.f3 that I did not even acknowledge as a possibility but yes 1.f3 Qxg3 2. Kf1 Bc5 saves the day from checkmate it seems which otherwise would have been a very pretty decoy of the queen from protecting c8. i did not see this one…..but then again i just woke up. i saw everything until Rc5+ which decoys the Bishop from the e-file making Qxe4 mate possible in the end. i was trying to mate with queen and rook after 1. Ne6 Kf7 2.Ng5 Kg6 (actually although not practical I think Ke8 probably holds out a few more moves) 3. Qf7+ Kf5 4. e4+ Qxe4 5. Nxe4 Kxe4 6. Qe6+ Kd4 7.Qd7+ Kd6 8. Qxd6+ Ke4 9.Qe6+ Kd4 10.Qd7+ Ke4 11. Re1+ Kf3 12. Re3 mate. So the mate is 4 moves quicker than the one i found. with the rook sac decoy, very nice
sorry that’s 7…Bd6 lol
Ok, 1.f3 Qxg3 2.Kf1 Bc5 3.Rxc5 Ne7 4. Ne6
A 4. – Kf7 5.Ng5 Kg6 6.Kf7 #
Ke8 6.Rc8! Nc8 7. Qf7 Ne6#
B 4. – Kg8 5.Ng5 6.Nd5 Rc8 #
c 4. -K e8 5. Nc7 Kf8 6.Qd8 Kf7 7. Qe8#
Why not 1.Ne6+, Kf7 only; 2.Rc8, threatenning 3.Ng5?
good try clown seriously but in your line 4….Ke8 you missed 5. Nc7+ Qxc7!. but like i said this line is interesting.
ribeiro 1. ne6 kf7 2. rc8 qxe6
you give a wrong line (your A):
4…Kf7 5.Ng5+ Ke8 6. Rc8+ Nxc8 and now you do not have 7.Qf7+ because N is at e6 on move 4
after i was done trying to figure out on my own i wanted to put this in my computer to see exactly what it is and its an official forced mate in 10 moves. id like to put this in local newspaper, Susan who was your opponent? If i may ask?
Sorry, I was wrong with previous comment. JimMD is right, line C is is best defense after Qxc7
… i wanted to post my line – no chance – there are impatient chess nerds around who could not resist to put the position into a rybka or shredder or fritz!
no fun guys – really no fun!
i hope, you are straight on the way to earn this grandmaster title
– all day long i was waiting for the daily puzzle from our great hostess – just to meet a computer line … mate in 10 … grrrrrr
a little angry,
yours vohaul
The best line is the following:
1. Ne6+ …if Kf7 then
2. Ng5+ if Kg6 then
3. Qf7+ Kf5 (forced)
4. Qe6#
e4+ check or Rc5+ is not necessary.
and when you move Qe6 and announce checkmate and your opponent plays Kg6 what would you say 🙂
Listen, all you fellow chess nerds. Stop all posting of your solutions to puzzles, so my friend Vohaul could really shine here 🙂