This is Domingo Santoyo, a very special young man from Brownsville, Texas. He was born without full arms or hands. But he learned to do just about everything without them, including playing chess. He does not need any help from anyone. He moves the pieces straighter, press the clock faster, and write all his moves neater than most, all by using his toes.
He never allows his disability to be used as an excuse. When I asked him how he became so strong mentally, he said his Mom would not let him be any other way. He is doing good in school. He is polite, energetic, has a great sense of humor, loves his family, and of course chess. Oh, and he has 3 younger brothers, all chess players! They are following his footsteps. When I asked them what they think of their big brother, they said he is great!
All I can say is he is quite a young man and a wonderful role model!
This is the Santoyo family at the Susan Polgar National Chess Challenge for Boys in Corpus Christi, Texas.
Totally Awesome!!!
An inspiration to the “enth” degree!
Dr. O
Wow Susan, you nearly made me cry with this story. It is great seeing a youngster who tackles chess despite his obvious physical disability. Those of you who know me might know why I am particularly touched. Thanks a ton for this story!
Michael Aigner
really really awesome! Keep these stories coming!
This young man reminds me of that woman who was featured on 60 minutes during the presidency of Ronald Reagan (circa 1982?). She had no arms at all, but was otherwise normal.
She could do everything with her feet. They showed her being the banker as the family played Monopoly: she handle the small play money effortlessly.
Her two sons said that to them, their mom would seem strange if she had arms!
She was asked if there was anything she could not do that she wanted to do: she replied “I was never able to learn to ride a bike.”
Ronald Reagan saw the story, and invited her to the White House.
Wow… Susan, thank you… this was so touching to read. I don’t have the words to express….
You guys, this kid grew up to be a man who calls women old enough to be his mom a c*nt when they tell him that his sexual eagerness makes them uncomfortable. 😆