White to move. White’s position is a little better because Black has double pawns on the f file. But is it enough for White to win? How should White continue?
I don’t see an immediate tactical shot, so slowly advancing the Q-side pawns, whilst preventing any incursions by Black’s Knight or King, looks like an idea, e.g. a3 (keeping the Knight out of b4) followed by c4, threatening d5.
I think it’s a draw.
c4 threatening d5.
Maybe Nb4 .
followed by a3 and followed by Nd4.
d5 right away.
my first idea is 1.Ng1…
manoevre king around:
1. Kg5 (threat Nf4)
in case of 1.. f6+ 2. Kg6 Ne7+ 3.Kg7 and Nf4 is coming, and the king enters eating pawns.
What about playing the King to g5 and the knight to f4!?
i think White can win this, but he needs excellent technique….
Penetrate with the King towards the weak pawns and the night centralizing…
While battling the black knight
I don’t see an immediate tactical shot, so slowly advancing the Q-side pawns, whilst preventing any incursions by Black’s Knight or King, looks like an idea, e.g. a3 (keeping the Knight out of b4) followed by c4, threatening d5.