Шахмат: Камски се съгласи да играе с Топалов в София
18 ноември 2008 16:39 Агенция “Фокус”
Дрезден. Полуфиналният мач за световната титла по шахмат между Веселин Топалов и Гата Камски ще се играе в София от 16 до 28 февруари 2009 година. Това съобщи за Агенция “Фокус” пресаташето на Топалов Живко Гинчев. След дълги преговори Камски се е съгласил двубоят да се проведе в България. Неговото предишно искане бе за Украйна или САЩ. “До довечера двамата гросмайстори ще подпишат официалното споразумение за провеждането на мача. Преговорите са се провели в Дрезден, където в момента тече шахматната Олимпиада и са продължили около 6 часа. От наша са участвали президентът на БФШ Стефан Сергиев и мениджърът на Веско Топалов Силвио Данаилов. Гата Камски е бил представляван от своя приятел Емил Сатовски. Това е голям успех за нас”, допълни Живко Гинчев.
Thanks to one of our bloggers for pointing us to this link: http://www.focus-sport.net/?do=n1148764222812
I am very glad that things work out for Gata and that the match is on. I spoke to Mr. Bill Kelleher who was at the meeting earlier this meeting. I will not repeat what he said but he is also very happy to see that Kamsky will have a chance to continue his quest to become a World Champion.
A number of other sources also told me that they are glad that Gata is representing himself as well as having GM Sutovsky helping him. The USCF had no business issuing an open letter to insult FIDE and the potential sponsor.
There are always two sides to every story and it was irresponsible to issue such a letter without knowing the full picture. This is not how successful negotiation is done. This unprofessional rhetoric can only bring negative results. It could be have impacted Gata’s career negatively.
Gata has been my friend for a long time and I will do everything I can to help him succeed. But I am not willing to support something which I feel can potentially destroy his career. I wish Gata the absolute best and I hope that the chess community will witness a spectacular chess match between two great players with such contrasting styles!
Kamsky is no match for Topalov.
Susan was right. It’s a ridiculously stupid letter from the USCF. Gata is doing the right thing. Go Gata!
Way to go Susan! Way to go Gata! Win one for the USA!
Bauer, Berry, Hough and Goichberg have zero influence or knowledge of anyone influential in FIDE. They have no experience doing anything with FIDE. Why were they allowed to make such a dumb statement? I thought John Donaldson or Bill Kelleher are supposed to handle this?
Thank God Gata didn’t listen to the D.A. at the USCF. He would have been screwed big time.
Go Gata! Go Gata!
Gata must put up with idiot chess federation and idiot father.
Not okay.
Kamsky just sacked one bad manager, and replaced him. No need to put up with bad for which he deserves credit- some say Topalov should have done this.