Daily Chess Improvement: Find the right continuation! Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. What is the best continuation or White? (No computer please) 2kr3r/1p2qp2/p1pn1b2/6pp/2P1N3/1P4NP/2Q2PP1/1R2R1K1 w – – 0 1
1. Nxd6+ Qxd6
2. Qf5+ Kb8
3. Ne4 Qe5
4. Qxf6 Qxf6
5. Nxf6 (white wins the bishop)
Yes, this is better than I had with 1.Nh5 and 1.Ng5- I looked at 1.Nd6 first, but missed the knight fork on the 3rd move. I hate knights!
I love knights!
Sometimes I do knight vision drills while I’m in the gym. When I run on a treadmill I move knight on chessboard in my mind and try to visualize all available moves. As a result it’s not boring to run.
Do you wear knight vision goggles? If so, maybe you could tell Yancey where he can get a pair.
1) N x e5; Q x e5
2) R bd1; Q b7
3) Qf5+; Kb8
4) Q x f6 (White wins Bishop)
2) …; Qf4 looks better to me.