335 Maple Street
Holyoke, MA
Just 2 miles from Route 91 exit 16
Parking is available behind the library off of Chestnut Street
PRIZE FUND: $725 b/30. Entries paying the SPECIAL ENTRY FEE are not included in the b/30 (a half-off fee counts as half an entry).
FORMAT: 3SS, Game/90, U.S.C.F. Rated. U.S.C.F. membership is required.
BYES: Limit of one 1/2-point bye, available for any round, specified with entry.
AT SITE REGISTRATION: 8:30am – 9:15am
ROUND TIMES: 9:30am, 1:00pm, and 4:15pm
OPEN // 1st $200, 2nd $150
U1800 // 1st $125, 2nd $100
U1400 // 1st $100, 2nd $50
SPECIAL ENTRY FEES: Titled Masters of any kind, FREE ENTRY!! (Advanced entry fee to be deducted from any prizes won). New and unrated players, $15 postmarked by 3/23. New and unrated players must play in U1400 Section.
U. S. Chess Federation (MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED): (If not a U.S.C.F. member, please send check payable to W.M.C.A. with advance entries to address shown below) MEMBERSHIP WILL ALSO BE AVAILABLE AT THE TOURNAMENT.
Western Massachusetts Chess Association (MEMBERSHIP NOT REQUIRED): Membership dues – Adults: $10, Under age 20: $5.
WMCA benefits include, the Skittles Room newsletter, $2 off at all WMCA sponsored tournaments; special discounts with local chess vendors and participating area businesses!!
Mail check, payable to W.M.C.A., and entry form to:
Frank Kolasinski
119 Brunswick Street
Springfield, MA 01108
WMCA website: www.WesternMassachusettsChessAssociation.org
Thanks for posting this.