Just focused on black king position and the surrounding pieces – the rooks white queen and the supporting white bishop. The g and h files and the b1-h7 diagonal. The ‘back rank’ mate and ‘epaulette ‘ mate configuration sprang up. This took 10 secs. 1.Qh7+.Rxh7.2.Rg6#! But what a sec, what if black does not cooperate? 1.Qh7+.Kg5! (Is there an alternate? Quickly ruled out alternate 1.Rh7+.Kg5.2.g4+.Kh4!) then the simple continuation sprang up! 2.Qxg7+.Kf/h4.3.Qg4#
So, I got the solution but it took more than 45 secs!
There appear to be at least two saves for W. What I did within 45secs (probably!)was straightforward checking: 1.Rh8+ Kg5 2.h4+ Bxh4 3.f4+ Kg4 4.Qf3# Then I put it into Stockfish and it did a mate in 3 starting with 1.Qh7+
1.Qh7+ Rxh7
2.Rh6# this I got in 5 seconds but
1…. Kg5 needs some time.
I will see it later.
Just focused on black king position and the surrounding pieces – the rooks white queen and the supporting white bishop. The g and h files and the b1-h7 diagonal. The ‘back rank’ mate and ‘epaulette ‘ mate configuration sprang up. This took 10 secs.
But what a sec, what if black does not cooperate?
1.Qh7+.Kg5! (Is there an alternate? Quickly ruled out alternate 1.Rh7+.Kg5.2.g4+.Kh4!) then the simple continuation sprang up! 2.Qxg7+.Kf/h4.3.Qg4#
So, I got the solution but it took more than 45 secs!
Ok. Not bad I guess, close to 60 secs.
Qh7+ Kg5 Qxg7+ Kf4 Qg5#
O.K.I was busy for a while.
1.Qh7+ Kg5
2.Qxg7+ Kf4 or Kh4
1. Qh7+ Kg5
2. Qxg7+ Kf4/h4
3. Qg5#
Took me 48 secs. 🙁
1.Qh7+ Rxh7 2.Rg6++
There appear to be at least two saves for W. What I did within 45secs (probably!)was straightforward checking:
1.Rh8+ Kg5
2.h4+ Bxh4
3.f4+ Kg4
Then I put it into Stockfish and
it did a mate in 3 starting with
No computer, so I hope I didn’t miss anything:
1.Qh7+! Kg5 (1…Rxh7, 2.Rg6#)
2.Qxg7+ Kf4/h4
(after 2…Kh4 I first saw 3.Qg3+ Bxg3, 4.hxg3#, but unfortunately that’s not necessary! 🙂 )
first to comment.
1.Rh8+ Kg5 (1…Rh7 2.Qg7#)
kanayo – abuja
first to comment.
1.Rh8+ Kg5 (1…Rh7 2.Qg7#)
kanayo – abuja
It’s all enforced mate in 4.
I spent more than 45 seconds, but at least first move is rather obvious:
1. Rh8+ Kg5 (Rh7 Qf6#)
2. h4+!
The trick here, to deprive king of escape field h4.
2. … Bxh4 (enforced)
3. f4+ Kg4
4. Qf3#
Qh7+ RxQh7
1. Qh7+
a) Rxh7 2. Rg6 mate
b) Kg5 2. Qxg7+
… 1) Kh4 3. Qg5 mate
… 2) Kf4 3. Qg5 mate
1. Rh8 Kg5 (if 1. … Rh7 2. Qg6#)
2. h4 Bxh4
3. Qe3#.
Mate in 2
1. Rh8+ Rh7
2. Qg6#
1. Rh8+ Kg5
2. h4#
1. Qxh7+! the rest is silence… 😉 10,5 secs.
It’s the very first thing I looked at.