How to Build Your 1. d4 Repertoire – GM Jan Gustafsson
Posted on March 26,2015 By OnlineChessLessons.NET Contributor in Strategy & Game Review, Chess Openings, All Articles w/ Videos. Use 1. d4 as a strong weapon against your opponent! In the video series, “How to Build Your 1. d4 Repertoire”, GM Jan Gustafsson teaches you about all the different openings that can be played against 1. d4 and how white can combat each one of them. Jan focuses a lot on being unpredictable by not playing the same exact line in every game against black and emphasizes how the best players in the world are also the most flexible. He also shows you h[…]
Typical play in French for White (Part I)
Posted on March 25,2015 By GM Levan Aroshidze in Strategy & Game Review, Chess Openings, General Chess Articles, Beginner’s Corner. Nowadays French Defence is again becoming popular on the high level. We see new ideas and theoretical discussions in almost every line of this playing system. Weakness of this opening setup is the passive light-squared bishop on c8, but as a compensation, – Black gets active play in the center. Let’s analyze one of my recent games against the strong GM Peralta. Aroshidze 2537 – Peralta 2582 C 11 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 One of the main continua[…]
Posted on March 24,2015 By FM Dalton Perrine in Strategy & Game Review, General Chess Articles. As discussed in the previous article, doubled pawns have both advantages and disadvantages. It is up to each side to use these advantages or disadvantages to come up with a plan to fight against the pawn structure or use the pawn structure effectively. Now, just knowing what is good and bad with doubled pawns is not enough. We need to know what to do with this information and the kind of plans that can be used for both sides — the side with the[…]
Doubled Pawns: Advantages & Disadvantages
Posted on March 20,2015 By FM Dalton Perrine in Strategy & Game Review, General Chess Articles. When you hear the term “doubled pawn,” do you cringe? Do you feel that they are always terrible, something to avoid like the plague? Well, despite the opinions of many people, all pawn structures have both good and bad sides to them. This includes pawn structures such as isolated pawns, backward pawns, passed pawns, hanging pawns and doubled pawns. Each of these pawn structures also comes with certain plans in order to use them to their fullest,[…] is a producer of thousands of free chess articles and free chess videos by FIDE chess masters. They recently released the renowned Empire Chess series that has been taking the chess world by storm. Please consider checking out their chess blog and chess shop with tons of free updated previews.
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