Click here to see this live performance by the Eagles.

Here is the version that was done entirely by 2 musicians, one in Colorado, and one in the Netherlands. As far as I know, they did this from thousands of miles away over the Internet!! I watched this one many times and I am very impressed! A must watch video!
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The 2 guys sound better than the Eagles.
Sound better than the Eagles?
You have never been to an Eagles concert my friend! My first child was conceived at one!
♪♪♪You can check out anytime you like ♪♪♪ but you can never leave…♪♪♪
just like chess…♪♪♪
hehehehe! No comment! hahaha
“You have never been to an Eagles concert my friend! My first child was conceived at one!”
It was that boring that you had to occupy yourself with other activities, huh?