(1)Rxd7 threatening both Q and R so forcing 1…Rxd7 2Rxd7 Qxb2 3Qa7 threatening mate in 2. If 3…Nb5 4Bxc5 if 3…Q checks 4Kg2 and h3 is an escape square.
I’ve heard from my countryman IM Oliver Barbosa that he’s having a hard time scrambling for funds to go the venue of the SPICE Cup, he is currently in New York. We Filipinos are hoping you could help him out. I’m pretty sure he’ll contend and probably earn his first GM Norm in your tournament. Kindly contact him. Thanks so much! May God continue to bless you and all your endeavors.
Rd8 Rxd8 Rxd8 and Queen is lost) … Rc2 (to avoid losing one of the Rooks) 2. Rxf8 Qxf8 3. Rd8 and again loses Queen 3 … Nf2+ can only prolong the game somewhat
(1)Rxd7 threatening both Q and R so forcing 1…Rxd7 2Rxd7 Qxb2 3Qa7 threatening mate in 2. If 3…Nb5 4Bxc5 if 3…Q checks 4Kg2 and h3 is an escape square.
Anon 5.52’s line doesn’t quite work, I’m afraid. After 1.Rd7,Rxd7;2.Rxd7,Qb2; 3.Qa7??, black has the deadly 3…Qc1+; 4.Kg2,f3+; 5.Kxh3,Qh6 mate!!
Accordingly I believe 1.Rd8 is the best way to ensure a winning advantage
Dear Ms. Polgar,
I’ve heard from my countryman IM Oliver Barbosa that he’s having a hard time scrambling for funds to go the venue of the SPICE Cup, he is currently in New York. We Filipinos are hoping you could help him out. I’m pretty sure he’ll contend and probably earn his first GM Norm in your tournament. Kindly contact him. Thanks so much! May God continue to bless you and all your endeavors.
Rd8 Rxd8 Rxd8 and Queen is lost)
… Rc2 (to avoid losing one of the Rooks) 2. Rxf8 Qxf8 3. Rd8 and again loses Queen
3 … Nf2+ can only prolong the game somewhat
Rd8 and black is lost in all variations
I think that Bxf5 wins.
1. Bxf5 .. Ng5 (no way for Rxf5)
2. Rd7 .. Rxd7
3. Rxd7 .. Qf6
no, i give up…
g:f4 N:f4
Rg8 Qe5
and white takes the rock threatening mate
But probably there are better moves
Qg7+ Bxg7
hxg7+ Kxh7
g8Q!+ R(B)xg8