Chess sites are the hardest in the world to understand. I spend so much time trying to figure things out I usually just give up.
For example what is all the crap under the puzzle 1rp/2wh or whatever. Does this mean that black can win 0-1.
I want a solution shown somewhere instead of only comments. It is very hard to learn anything and I am sure no one on this site will actually take the time to read any comments or answer them.
Plus having to prove I am not a robot with a bunch of goobel d goup letters that no one can read.
Could anyone actually post a solution at the end so we know what is right.
This chess site is totally frustrating.
Not to mention the I am not a robot BS which is nearly illegible.
This chess stuff should be fun but it is anything but. Some of us a total amateurs. We need things explained. Not only a bunch of comments with no follow up by the site experts.
robert, I haven’t figured out what the 0-1 means, but the rest of it describes the position, row by row. numbers for empty spaces, lower case for black, upper case for white.
1. Bc5 – Qf6
2. Rf5 and N on g5 looks lost
Way too difficult.
Chess sites are the hardest in the world to understand. I spend so much time trying to figure things out I usually just give up.
For example what is all the crap under the puzzle 1rp/2wh or whatever. Does this mean that black can win 0-1.
I want a solution shown somewhere instead of only comments. It is very hard to learn anything and I am sure no one on this site will actually take the time to read any comments or answer them.
Plus having to prove I am not a robot with a bunch of goobel d goup letters that no one can read.
So it goes. Total frustration.
These puzzles are so hard to figure out like:
What does r3r1k1/1p2qppp….-0-1 mean?
Could anyone actually post a solution at the end so we know what is right.
This chess site is totally frustrating.
Not to mention the I am not a robot BS which is nearly illegible.
This chess stuff should be fun but it is anything but. Some of us a total amateurs. We need things explained. Not only a bunch of comments with no follow up by the site experts.
And yet Houdini 2.0c with a quad-core i7 processor takes less than 20s to find the winning line!!
And this winning line is certainly not easy to find.
Humans are now no match against computers! In a match of 24 games against Houdini 2.0c, the best human chess players would barely win one game!!
And guys like Robert Houdart (Houdini) or the programmer of Rybka 4.1, these programmers made the impossible possible!!
1. Bc5 – Qf6
2. Rf5 and N on g5 goes?
Bc5, Qf6
Rf5 – winning a piecew
I would start with Bb5 aiming to win the exchange.
Perhaps Bc5 attacking the Queen, and if Qf6 then Rh5 trapping the Knight in g5?
Have a good day
1.Bc5 Qf6
(1…Qe6 2.Rxg5)
(1…Qc7 2.Rxg5)
2.Rf5 Qxf5 3.Qxf5 Re5 4.Qd7 Rxc5 5.Qxb7 Rac8 6.Ba6 R8c7 7.Qb8+ Nf8 8.Bb5 Rc8 9.Qb7 R5c7 10.Qa6 g6 11.Bxa4
The black N on g5 is only protected by black Q so try to deflect the Q
1. Bc5 Qf6
2. Rf5 Q moves off d8/g5 diagonal and white wins black N on g5
Something like:
1. Bb5 Rc8
2. Qg2 h6 (Ne4 Re1)
3. Rd7 Qe5
4. Rf1
“r3r1k1” describes the pieces on the top row of the diagram, from left to right:
Rook, then three empty squares, then another Rook, then one empty square, then a King, then one more empty square.
“1p2qppp” describes the next row down:
One empty square, then a pawn, then two empty squares, then a Queen, then three Pawns.
Etc., for each row. Small letter = black pieces; capital letter are white pieces.
Yes, it’s dense, but I guess it’s the most economical way to describe a chess diagram in text!
I haven’t figured out what the w–o1 means yet… never mind the solution to the puzzle!
John Dimick
1Bc5&2Rf5 piece up
It could be Bf1-b5 for a Queen exchange? Its ,indeed, very difficult for amateurs like us, but not as much for a real chess player.
robert, I haven’t figured out what the 0-1 means, but the rest of it describes the position, row by row. numbers for empty spaces, lower case for black, upper case for white.
Looks like you have to learn about FEN-notation
I guess “w” is for white to move, as “b” would be for black to move.