Didn’t spot the effecitiveness of this move immediately. The idea of Qf7 came pretty quickly, but I overlooked, for a while, that white is also threatening 2.Bg7# which makes the actual move even more forcing than I thought. I spent the first 10-15 minutes convincing myself that white can win with 1.Rxe8 followed by 2.g3 trapping the bishop. That line is complicated, but I do think white has a winning position, but would have to be careful to bring it home. However, 1.Qf7 is utterly forcing:
1. Qf7
Threatens 2.Bg7# in addition to double attacking e8. Black cannot take the queen since this allows 2.Rxe8+ followed by mate on the back rank. So, black is limited to providing a hole for his king at h6, but this won’t hold due to the double attack on e8:
1. …..h6 (or h5) 2. Re8 Re8 3. Qe8 Kh7 4. Rd7 and this has to lead to a forced mate eventually.
1.QF7 and black must resign.
Not even Houdini could save black !
Didn’t spot the effecitiveness of this move immediately. The idea of Qf7 came pretty quickly, but I overlooked, for a while, that white is also threatening 2.Bg7# which makes the actual move even more forcing than I thought. I spent the first 10-15 minutes convincing myself that white can win with 1.Rxe8 followed by 2.g3 trapping the bishop. That line is complicated, but I do think white has a winning position, but would have to be careful to bring it home. However, 1.Qf7 is utterly forcing:
1. Qf7
Threatens 2.Bg7# in addition to double attacking e8. Black cannot take the queen since this allows 2.Rxe8+ followed by mate on the back rank. So, black is limited to providing a hole for his king at h6, but this won’t hold due to the double attack on e8:
1. …..h6 (or h5)
2. Re8 Re8
3. Qe8 Kh7
4. Rd7 and this has to lead to a forced mate eventually.
Nobody wants to answer this?
1. Qf7! crunches instantly.
Qf7 and game over.
… Q-f7 with threats against g7 and e8 e.g.,
Rxf7 Rxe8+ winning
To Mr. E. Lasker:
1. Bxg7+?? Kxg7!
and white is the one who should think about resigning…