5 second chess tactic Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. How should white proceed? Source: ChessToday.net Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Took me 3.765 seconds, under the 5-second deadline!
1.Bxe4!! wins a piece…The weakness at g7 is the motif…(Took me about 30 seconds…)
Black queen can’t cover both g7 and e4, so:
1. Bxe4 R move
2. Qxd3
is up with piece and pawn.
Bxe4 wins the knight(or rook),as Black cannot reply Qxe4 due to Qxg7 mate.
In a club or internet game , I would Nxf4 in the vague hope of confusing White. Against a GM ,though,I would resign.
Yes, that queen is tied down to defending g7- white can capture at e4 immediately, I think. I don’t see a way to avoid losing a piece and a pawn.
1.Be4 wins a piece.
Black cannot recapture because of the mate on g7.
Bxe4 wins the exchange or a piece as the bishop cannot be taken in view of threat on g7. About 4 seconds.
A possible line is:
1. Bxe4 Nxf4
2. exf4 (enforced)
but now e-file is open so black can’t save his rook due to the threat Bxh7+ and Rxe7.
So black resigns here.