36th Annual Morrison Scholastic Chess Tournament
Sponsored by
Fullerton Host Lions Club & American Chess Equipment
Location: Orangethorpe Elementary, 1400 South Brookhurst, Fullerton, CA 92833-4493. Major cross streets are Brookhurst and Orangethorpe Ave. Exit from the 91 Freeway at Brookhurst, go North, and park in the school parking lot on your right after the first intersection.
Registration: GRADES K-12. Send your registration by e-mail to Amchesseq@aol.com. Please provide name, grade and school. There is NO entry fee as the tournament is FREE to all scholastic players. In addition, this tournament does not require a USCF membership to be able to play and will not impact any national ratings. Check-In time is 9-9:45 AM. Site registration is permitted, but not recommended.
Equipment: All equipment will be provided.
Play Schedule: The tournament will run as a Round Robin event. All players will be separated into sections by grade level and during the tournament they will play against every person in their section. Tournament play will begin at 10:00 AM.
Play will continue till 12:00 Noon, at which time the tournament hall will be closed and players released for a 1 hour lunch break. At 1:00 PM tournament play will resume and continue until all games are completed or 3 PM.
Prizes: A trophy will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place players in each section of each grade. Trophies will be given out as sections complete all of their games. First place (based on tie-breaks) will also receive 50% discount on entry fee for the SoCal Super States Scholastic Championship in Irvine on March 27-28.
Further Information: Mr. Barber at American Chess Equipment: (714) 998-5508 or E-Mail Amchesseq@aol.com