35th Zalakaros International Chess Festival Hungarian Open Championship 27th May – 04 June 2016 The Hungarian Chess Federation has the pleasure to announce the organization of the 35th Zalakaros International Chess Festival, which is going to be the greatest...
Daily Chess Improvement: Fun chess tactic
White to move. How should White proceed? No computer lines please. 1kr5/1P2q2b/pQ4p1/K7/8/8/8/7B w – – 0 2
7th Manacor GM Chess Tournament 2016
The 7th Manacor GM Chess Tournament is taking place from February 21-28, in Porto Christo, Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain. The event is a single round-robin tournament with an average rating of 2496. Top seed is GM Olexandr...