A LAST HURRAH? – Middle-aged and magnificent Mukul Kesavan He is on the wrong side of 40 now, well past his sporting prime. He has played at the highest level for a quarter of a century but his competitive...
Daily photos from Anand – Carlsen World Championship in Chennai
More photos will be added daily: https://picasaweb.google.com/116302832360230031699/WorldChampionship2013Chennai Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The art of chess commentary
Chess is here, are you listening?By Venkata Krishna B | ENS – CHENNAI Published: 13th November 2013 11:52 PM Last Updated: 13th November 2013 11:52 PM Be it cricket or football or even Formula 1, Indians have been fortunate...
International Grandmaster Open in Chennai
Tamil Nadu State Chess Association under the auspices of All India Chess Federation is organizing the Chennai International Grandmaster Open Chess Tournament on 15-23rd November at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Periamet, Chennai. The tournament is held in celebration of...
Mary Ann Gomes emerges winner of Women Grandmaster Open in Chennai
Woman Grandmaster Mary Ann Gomes with 8.5 points clinched the title with a superior tie-break score after the eleventh round of the Women International Grand Master Chess Tournament 2013 held in celebration of the FIDE World Championship Match 2013...
A billion to watch GQ chess phenom
Why a billion people are watching a board game By Jason Henderson 14 November 13 GQ MagazineThe dull and unfashionable image of chess could enjoy a facelift this month thanks to a titanic world championship clash unfolding in India. Proud...
Brilliant chess tactic
White to move. How should white proceed?Source: ChessToday.net Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The thrill in Chennai
‘This is how chess should be played’ Express News Service : Chennai, Thu Nov 14 2013, 02:14 hrs Game four, played over five hours and 50 minutes, proved to be the longest of the match so far and saw...
The FIDE election battle begins in Chennai with Kasparov’s visit
Kasparov ‘kept out’ on Team Vishy’s instructionSusan Ninan, TNN | Nov 14, 2013, 01.01 AM IST CHENNAI: The Anand-Kasparov rift is out in the open. Vishy might have given the impression that he was not bothered by the Kasparov-effect in...