By Chess Coach William Stewart
Original article on Hikaru Nakamura vs Hrair Simonian at the 2011 ICC Blitz Championship available on Will’s website with interactive PGN.
GM Hikaru Nakamura (CapilanoBridge) vs. GM Hrair Simonian (EREBUNI) – Nakamura opens with double fianchettos, one of his personal favorites in blitz. Simonian seizes space in the middle with 9. …d4, however he fails to achieve legitimate counterplay throughout the course of the game. Nakamura is able to easily expand on the kingside with 14. f5, and is able to significantly weaken black’s position with 23. b4! It seemed like Simonian was confused in this game, as he was unable to find and execute a comprehensive strategy. Nice win by Nakamura, combining excellent positional chess with concrete tactics.
Crazy game.