This is a refresher. White to move. How should White proceed? Source: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
A miracle escape

Nigel Short had a lucky escape on the white side of a wild French Defence against the newly arrived Alexander Morozevich to move to 2/2 half a point clear of the field. Vassily Ivanchuk allowed a quick draw after...
Reggio Emilia LIVE – Round 2
Live chess broadcast powered by ChessBomb and Chessdom Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
European Individual Women Championship canceled

The Turkish Chess Federation was granted the 2011 European Individual Women Championship, the 2011 European Women Rapid and the European Women Blitz. The contract was signed in March, 2010 in Rijeka, Croatia. The Turkish Chess Federation has a concrete...
Grandmaster chess tactic

White to move. How should White proceed? Source: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Chess wins

Judge tosses suit against Inwood Hill Park chess playersBY Kevin DeutschDAILY NEWS STAFF WRITERTuesday, December 28th 2010, 12:57 PM Checkmate! A judge has tossed out summonses against five men busted for playing chess at Inwood Hill Park. The judge’s...
Grant helps students through chess

Grant helps MISD students in gifted, talented programPosted: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 9:00 pmTony WaggonerMidland Reporter-Telegram New programs and technology funded through a Gifted & Talented Parents Association grant should provide Midland Independent School District students with some unique...
Clarendon Chess Gala

Wisdom tops Clarendon Chess GalaPublished: Wednesday December 29, 2010 Newly-appointed National Master, Daren Wisdom, scored 4.5 points from six games to win the eighth staging of the Clarendon Chess Gala at Glenmuir High School in May Pen, Clarendon, last...
Aiming for ASEAN title

Bitoon, Barbosa fortify ASEAN chess title bids12/28/2010 08:33 PM Filipino International Masters (IM) Richard Bitoon and Oliver Barbosa recorded a win and a draw, respectively, to fortify their respective title bids in the 1st ASEAN Open Chess Championship in...
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