Final Standings: 1. GM Tiger Hillarp Persson 2491 7.5 points / 9 2. GM Daniel Stellwagen 2621 6.5 3. GM Lars Bo Hansen 2563 6.0 4-5 GM Jan Timman 2565 5.0GM Ralf Åkesson 2466 5.0 6. GM Evgenij Agrest...
3.5mm x 2.5mm

Russian artist makes miniature chessWed, 30 Apr 2008 18:15:44 The Russian micro-miniaturist Vladimir Aniskin has created the world’s smallest chess set, using powerful self-designed microscopes. The whole set is the size of a match head, with a 3.5 mm...
Grischuk leads, Kamsky way back

Standings after 9 rounds: 1. Grischuk Alexander 2716 RUS 6 2-3 Gashimov Vugar 2679 AZE 5½Wang Yue 2689 CHN 5½ 4-7 Radjabov Teimour 2751 AZE 5Carlsen Magnus 2765 NOR 5Mamedyarov Shakhriyar 2752 AZE 5Adams Michael 2729 ENG 5 8-9...