Round 6 results: 1 Julio GRANDA (2609) ½ ½ Gabriel SARGISSIAN (2643)2 Michael ADAMS (2729) 1 0 Fabiano CARUANA (2620)3 Humpy KONERU (2603) 1 0 Manuel Perez CANDELARIO (2537)4 Hou YIFAN (2549) 0 1 Zhang PENGXIANG (2640) Official website:...
Introducing chess to schools in Lubbock
Ramirez Charter School in Lubbock, TX Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The chess war is brewing
This was just reported by our friends at Chessdom. The information came directly from the Bulgarian Chess Federation. Declaration: On 25th of June 2007 on the presidential board meeting in Tallinn, FIDE decided that the semi final match of...
SPICE recognition
Special recognition for SPICE by the city of Lubbock in Texas. This was presented by Mayor David Miller this morning at the City Council meeting in City Hall. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Best chess books ever
Yesterday, I posted here about the 10 most popular books of all time according to the Harris Poll. But what about chess books? Which 10 chess books would you rank among the all-time best? It could also be your...
An excellent attacking game
Fine victory for BorisBy Malcolm PeinLast Updated: 12:01am BST 10/04/2008 A defeat for Ural of Yekaterinburg in the sixth round did not deprive them of the leading position at the Russian Team Championships taking place at Dagomys in the...
The art of chess middlegame
A kind of normal Ruy Lopez set up. But from this point, Adams followed it up with beautiful middlegame play. It is a very instructional game. Adams, Mickey (2726) – Koneru, Humpy (2612) [C99]II Ruy Lopez Masters Merida ESP...
In search for chess historians
Someone asked me the following question today and I did not have a definitive answer. The question was: “Which is the highest rated International 10 player round robin tournament in US history?” (Excluding US Championships, FIDE Knockout Championship or...
Wednesday World Champion’s Tactic
Karpov, Anatoly – Topalov, Veselin (Dos Hermanas 1994) by Andreas White to move. How should Karpov proceed?2b1rb2/pp3pk1/2n3pp/2pN4/4qB2/2P2Q1P/PP3PP1/3R1BK1 w – – 0 30 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Tyler Scholastic Chess Tournament
Event : Tyler Scholastic Chess TournamentVenue : All-Saints Episcopal SchoolDate : May 10,2008Format : 5 round swissSections : Open Section and Novice (