Title: 2008 All-Army Chess Championship
Location: Fort Myer, Arlington, VA
Date: 11-17 May 2008
All Army personnel on active duty for 90 days or more are eligible to participate. We look for applicants that are strong players, are actively participating in USCF sanctioned tournaments and have a high level of tournament experience.
The Inter-Service Chess Championship (Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines) is scheduled for 8-14 June, 2008 at Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson, Arizona. The 2008 NATO Chess Championships will be held in Brussels,Belgium, the date to be determined.
Please note that you MUST play, and place in the top 6, in the 2008 All Army Chess to qualify for the 2008 Inter-Sservice. Top finishers in the Inter-Service will form the Armed Forces Team for the 2008 NATO Chess Championship.
For more information, contact the CFSC Army Recreation Office via email (kris.dalessandro@us.army.mil) or call (703) 681-7204 and DSN 761-7204, FAX 703-681-7249
The objective of the annual All Army Chess Tournament is to promote interest in the Army Recreation program through the application of mental skills that relate to military strategy. It gives soldiers a chance to enhance their combat readiness by applying learned skills in logic and strategic thinking at the Army’s highest level of competition.
MonRoic.com, one of this site’s sponsors will provide live coverage of the tournament. Come back to this page for final instructions on how to to follow live games or replay games during the tournament.
Games can be seen live on MonRoi (http://monroi.com/watch/?tnm_id=1058#).
Thank you for promoting this event.