Create your own imaginative caption 🙂 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Knight and Pawn endgame
White to move. White’s position is a little better because Black has double pawns on the f file. But is it enough for White to win? How should White continue? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Mississippi teen to compete in the National
GEORGE CLARK Hattiesburg American Area teen to compete in national chess tourneyBy NANCY KAFFER Clay Polk came late to the chess board, but in the four years since the Hattiesburg teen first opened with a pawn, he has made...
Saturday Open Forum
It’s Saturday Open Forum. The Forum is yours. What would you like to talk about? Don’t forget that there is only 1 week left to return your ballots for the USCF Executive Board Election. I am sure you already...
New Weekly Column by Paul Truong
Starting this Monday, there will be a new Open Forum / Q&A column about Chess Marketing, Promotion and PR. Anyone with questions in these areas can send them to or you can post your questions right on this...
Chess.FM India with WGM Dronavalli Harika
Chess.FM India Weekly Saturday show – Interview with WGM Dronavalli Harika Chess.FM India’s weekly Saturday Show at 7.00 PM IST, 14th July 2007, presents an Interview with World Under-18 Champion WGM Dronavalli Harika. Sixteen year old Harika who hails...
Tiger wins Swedish Championship
Final Standings: 1 Tiger Hillarp-Persson 9 2-3 Emanuel Berg 82-3 Pia Cramling 8 4 Bengt Lindberg 7½ 5-6 Ralf Åkesson 75-6 Lars Karlsson 7 7 Pontus Carlsson 6½ 8 Stellan Brynell 6 9-12 Jesper Hamark 5½9-12 Johan Furhoff 5½9-12...
Bu and Miton lead the Canadian Open
[White “Xiangzhi, Bu”][Black “Atalik, Suat”][Result “1-0”][WhiteELO “2685”][WhiteTitle “GM”][BlackELO “2564”][Source “MonRoi”] 1.Nf3 d5 2.d4 Nf6 3.c4 c6 4.Nc3 dxc4 5.a4 Bf5 6.Ne5 e6 7.f3 c5 8.e4 cxd4 9.exf5 Bb4 10.Be3 dxc3 11.Qxd8 Kxd8 12.O-O-O Ke7 13.bxc3 Ba3 14.Kc2 Nbd7 15.Nxd7...
Canadian Open LIVE Games
Round 8 LIVE games by July 13, 2007 [Section – Board 1] Xiangzhi, Bu vs Atalik, Suat 1-0 [Section – Board 2] Milov, Vadim vs Chanda, Sandipan (real-time)[Section – Board 3] Miton, Kamil vs Hoang Thong, Tu (real-time)[Section...