Here are the list of players based on the drawing of lots:
1 Anand
2 Radjabov
3 Aronian
4 Carlsen
5 Topalov
6 Ivanchuk
That means the first round pairings will be:
Anand – Ivanchuk
Radjabov – Topalov
Aronian – Carlsen
Anand will start with two White, while Carlsen with two Black!
Again, please note that this is NOT the traditional chess scoring system. They are using the soccer scoring system with 3 points for a win and 1 point for a draw.
I think this may help the more aggressive players and not as much the positional players.
In addition, with this system, the typical tournament psychology is out the window as placements can change dramatically in any given round.
Official website:
This means that Anand will be 2-0 while Carlsen will be 0-2. Pity.
You should not work as a fortune teller
topalov is in fashion!
What does it symbolize? Each player’s ball is at the same height except Ivanchuk who raises his far above all the rest! Ivanchuk always does things differently!
I think the balls should have the seed number on them.
Based on this the pairings are decided.
This system is a pure nonsence.
When two players have a draw after an enormous fight (look at one of the recent Ponomariov’s game), they are punished!
And, if two players wqnt to “rest à little”, they can agree to make 1-1 (so each has 3 points) instead of two draws (wis 2 points each).
Note that if two players have decided to make a drawn, they will, after a show of few hours.
With this + the wining K+N vs K+N, chess is dead… it has become a game managed by clowns.
Let them play; in my opinion the games themselves are of interest and not who will win.
This is chess and not Baseball ore something else.
By the way:
These six together are the ones I want to see; let Kramnik and Kamsky watch by internet as we do.
Okay then. But just this once. Next time I will vote no.
Those guys have alot of balls!