Learn From Your Fellow Amateurs 6 – NM Dana Mackenzie

Posted on November 24,2014 By OnlineChessLessons.NET Contributor in Strategy & Game Review, Chess Openings, All Articles w/ Videos, General Chess Articles. The Leningrad in the Nimzo! Learn From Your Fellow Amateurs 6 – NM Dana Mackenzie, from the ChessLecture series. This game features the Nimzo Indian, Leningrad variation middlegame! The Nimzo Indian late middlegame seems very good for Black, and Dana proves this beyond reasonable doubt. Black will eventually pressure the weak ‘c’ file with a double or triple battery. Although Black may have to fend off some early initiative, with no weaknesses it[…]

Setting Traps for Your Opponent

Posted on November 21,2014 By GM Levan Aroshidze in Strategy & Game Review, General Chess Articles, Beginner’s Corner. Setting traps for the opponent is very exciting and everybody likes doing it. Traps may have different levels of difficulties. For example, creating threats on the opponent’s pieces from a long distance may be a serious trap for beginners, as they control the board quite badly. This is an elementary trap. In the games of experienced players we see much more complicated traps based on combinations, tactical strikes and more. But we have to underst[…]

Learn From Your Fellow Amateurs 5 – NM Dana Mackenzie

Posted on November 19,2014 By OnlineChessLessons.NET Contributor in Strategy & Game Review, Chess Openings, All Articles w/ Videos, General Chess Articles. The Marshall variation in The French! Learn From Your Fellow Amateurs 5 – NM Dana Mackenzie, from the ChessLecture series. All levels of ability will learn from this late middle game – pre endgame transition. The game features the French Defense “Marshall variation”, but it’s all about the middle game and Dana is keen to show that pieces and players should not be pushed around simply because your opponent has made a threat. Saving lost games is a[…]

Advanced Pawns: An underestimated weapon

Posted on November 18,2014 By GM Levan Aroshidze in Strategy & Game Review, General Chess Articles, Beginner’s Corner. A pawn is advanced if it enters the opponent’s territory, i.e. reaches the fifth or higher rank. Advanced pawns can be very powerful weapons that are often underestimated by inexperienced players. Examples of Advanced Pawns in Play First of all, we have to understand that the advanced pawn is not necessarily a passed pawn. In the first example, an advanced pawn is blocked by the opponent’s. So, it looks as though the g5 and h6 pawns are giving so[…]

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