I have made my decision. I WILL run for the 2007 USCF Executive Board. I love chess and I cannot stand what some chess politicians have done to US Chess and the USCF. We HAVE to do better!

With four (potential) open seats, the future of the USCF depends on the upcoming Executive Board election. Many members want a new and improved USCF and are fed up with politics as usual. The level of animosity between the chess politicians is incomprehensible.

The USCF is one of the most important chess organizations in the United States. It is supposed to be a role model for other groups. For positive change to happen, the members must vote in the best candidates with the highest level of professionalism.

The USCF needs new talent. We need new energy, passion and dedication. We need honest people with integrity and high morals. Below are some of my goals.

The new candidates must be able to:

* Restore the respectability and credibility of the USCF.
* Restore a balanced budget.
* Restore the strong cooperation between adult, collegiate, youth and scholastic chess. The USCF needs to support and promote all its membership categories.
* Recognize that the USCF is in need of Professional Marketing and PR.

Drastic changes are in order for this federation to move in the right direction. We need strong leadership to rally the entire membership. It is up to us to take back control of the USCF. The members have the power to elect the best people to fix the problems.

Joining me will be Dr. Mikhail Korenman, NM Randy Bauer and FM Paul Truong. I fully expect that some of the chess politicians will make as much noises as possible to derail our efforts. Some will do everything they can to protect their pseudo power.

But together, we WILL be able to change things for the better. It is TIME to unite for the benefits of chess! It is TIME to end chess politics as usual! It is TIME for a new and much improved USCF! Thank you for your support!
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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar