So far, Anand has been successful in obtaining the type of positions which he is comfortable with in this match. What is even more important is he was able to obtain positions which are uncomfortable for his opponent.

Anand is a universal player. As we can clearly see in game 2, Anand was able to hang on to a small positional advantage and waited for his opponent to make inaccurate moves then capitalized on it. In game 3, Anand was very patient in getting his pieces, one at the time, into play to hold as Black (Bf5, g6, h7, g8, f7, e8, d7, etc.). In game 4, Anand demonstrated his ability to attack and calculate.

So what must Topalov do to come back in this match? There are still 8 games left but he must start to employ the right strategy. An all out risky assault may work in one or two games in the match but it will not work for the long haul. So if you are Topalov’s strategist, what would you advise him?

I will offer my opinion later on.

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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