I will be very busy in the next few weeks with the transition from Texas to Webster University in St. Louis. However, I will try to do my best to provide some commentary for the Anand – Gelfand World Championship match in Moscow.
I happen to know both Vishy and Boris very well as they are from my generation. We competed against each other many times over the years. I also know the sponsor, Andrey Filatov, very well as he and Boris Gelfand graduated from the same university with me in Minsk.
This year, in addition to this blog, I will provide some commentary on facebook http://www.facebook.com/polgarchess and twitter https://twitter.com/SusanPolgar. I believe this will be a very interesting match as both players are seasoned world class veterans.
Spread the news and join me for the commentary. Hope you will enjoy the match 🙂
Best wishes,
Susan Polgar
Thank you, Susan.
Please do live commentary if you can. I enjoyed the commetary during the last Anand – Topolov match. You are very good at making us understand the moves.. thanks..
if you do comentary…….i dont think theres gonna be anything bettr than that….thnxxx a lot
if you do the commentary part of the game….i dont think theres gonna be anything bettr than that…..Thnksss a lot Susan
I am wondering what your record was against these two great players? In the past I have always enjoyed your live commentaries. You are truly one of the greatest contributors to chess in the modern era and a great role model.