Which team would you vote for? Obama – Biden or McCain – Palin? Which team would be best to lead America for the next four years?
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McCain Moves Ahead of Obama in Poll
posted: 1 HOUR 24 MINUTES AGO
(Sept. 7) – John McCain has overtaken Barack Obama in the Gallup daily tracking poll and has his highest level of support in that poll since early May.
McCain leads Obama 48 percent to 45 percent among registered voters, by
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Is this a serious choice? Of course McCain and Palin. Obama has no experience, nada!
McCain-Palin, without a doubt.
Definitely Obama-Biden. I think most people are sick and tired of Bush, and voting for Mccain-Palin will lead to Bush#2. Mccain-Palin are totally out of the question for me. Both of them have a dirty record.
They’re all crooks…but to me Obama/Biden seem less evil than McCain/Palin…also Palin’s a religious nutcase and that never helps.
Ron Paul was the only hope. These four are all out-and-out crooks, sorry.
The U.S. economy is about to implode. Hold tight.
–Porky Pig
What a choice! They are two sides of the same corporate coin. No matter who is elected, it wil be business as usual: the war in Iraq will go on, Russia-baiting will continue, civilians will continue to be killed in Afghanistan, domestic policies will favour the rich at the cost of the poor, etc.
What a horrible choice the US electorate has! I pity them.
Journalists arrested at RNC. Check out
and videos on this page:
All this was happening outside, while the media showed 40 million of us McCain’s speech. Not one of the mainstream media, not even PBS, mentioned this.
It’s an unfair comparison. Change the Dem ticket to Biden/Obama and then you can more fairly evaluate them.
They really screwed up when they passed on Hillary.
Too late to pity Russia! They held “elections” and still have Putin.
A bunch of left wing liberals are trying to attack Gov. Palin again. She’s the best Gov. in America and she’s a lot more qualified that Obama and Biden.
None of the above.
Why would I vote for that newborn little kid Obama? He has never even run a business let alone a state. What idiot would want a guy like that to run a country?
Nada? You mean Murra!
I vote for Susan Polgar for President! She makes more sense than they these career politicians.
Of course, Susan is overqualified. She has a brilliant brian!
I vote for Cthulu and the Devil.
Why vote for the lesser evil?
I wouldn’t trust Obama to run a fever.
Polls continue to be misleading because they measure sentiment of voters in percentages as opposed to likely electoral vote outcome.
The President of the United States is not elected by winning the popular vote. Winning the presidency doesn’t even require winning the majority of votes.
What percentage of each candidate’s margin comes from populous states like California or Texas where it’s winner-take-all.
For once I’d like to see some polls that try to predict electoral votes because that’s what counts!
Why would you ask such a divisive question on a chess blog? Chess is supposed to be one of the things that transcends politics – except maybe its own lunatic version.
Still, I’m surprised. Surprised that the question was posted, but not surprised at the ignorant and ad hominem answers.
Please, keep this blog a fun and educational place to visit.
To Anonymous 11:25:00 PM CDT who complained about this topic being part of the discussion here:
While chess is certainly the main focus of this blog, it’s never been the only thing discussed here. That’s part of the appeal of this site – the fact that there are always other interesting topics & news items. It’s not a blog/discussion forum just about chess, but for chess players and anything that might interest them.
As for the choice, that’s easy. Obama is a radical leftist with no significant experience and his message has been nothing more than thin, vague promises. He’s the ultimate empty suit. As someone recently said of him, he’s like floorwax – all shine & no depth.
I’m not a huge McCain fan, but the man has courage and principles, and Palin has been extremely effective & popular (80% approval rating) as Alaska’s governor.
Obama-Biden, of course. McCain has an explosive temper, likes to pick fights, has little understanding of economics, doesn’t know how to use a computer or the Internet, and is too old. Palin is a nasty political in-fighter, a creationist, a religious nut-job, and an anti-conservationist. God spare us this ignorant and vicious pair of yahoos in charge of our enomrmous nuclear arsenal! Obama and Biden are smarter, better for our economy, and better for our national security. Probably, however, McCain-Palin will win, because so much of the American electorate likes its leadership a bit stupid and a bit mean.
I’d have voted for Hillary but she’s no longer a candidate.
That leaves me with
a) Obama, who’s good at speeches but lacks experience
b) McCain, who’s a republican (enough said!).
So I’d rather not vote for any of them.
I just read a bumper sticker yesterday while driving on the road, and it read as follows: ‘NOW YOU SEE WHY I VOTED FOR GORE & KERRY’! Go figure!
To put the issue to rest you have a choice between the two parties. The better of which is the GOP as they are a more united party than the fragmented shambles of the Dem ticket.
Voters that do not turn out are usually Dems, so they are lost votes that Obama needs, especially after the debacle over his offensive toward the Hillary Campaign during the primary.
But the real arguement comes down to not popularity, or experience. It comes down to who has the better judgement, chacacter and set of values.
If you look at Obama his judgement has been off on several issue along with his association with radical individuals. That leads to character. Would you want to be associated with known felons and convicted terrorists. The last is values. He may be an up and up guy but look at his voting record. It needs to be improved alot and a lot less than the “present” votes he puts in. He wants to tax and spend to solve issues and not acknowledge a surge in Iraq was a success. He is also attacking the past mistakes when he should actively live in the now and look for a solution.
Anyone who has the experience should also be at the top of the ticket as well and the Dems did the reverse. It’s all wrong.
As for the GOP, yes they may have their faults but everything fundamentally is correct. McCain has served our country, proves that he has better judgement, character, and values, not to mention the experience he has.
And if anyone knows anything you vote for the President based on the electoral collage result. Not the popularity of the person running for office. And as much as American Idol has infiltrated our lives making us think one way, it’s actually the other.
This election is the most important in years, as you have to decide which direction you want to choose: One with rampant spending and higher taxes, or one in which government may get smaller and have a chance at a reformation of various issues. It’s your call.
As for me, I plan on voting the GOP ticket hands down as they have the better chance of securing our future.
Jim H.
Obama really was a stupid choice for the Democrats. Stupid even for Democrats sheesh!
The republicans should leave the market alone, giving money to Freddie and Fannie is nothing less than Marxist politics.
All you people are saying is trust trust trust. If you are trusting McCain, then you should know that he is going to take money out of your pocket, never end the war in Iraq, and make America collapse. This is so obvious people, just think common sense!
Are you kidding ??? More Republican Rule..???
I dont think there has ever been a worst president than Bush and you americans want to reward his party and put the same people in charge behind the nice war hero McCain please really, our world needs better or else….
Who cares about religon or whatever. Can’t everybody realize that McCain is a total disaster?
if Mccain wins we’ll have the 3rd world war!!!it’s sad but it’s true!!!
Since I live in the USA I will vote for McCain