What kind of checkmate is this? Breaking News A drawing by my sister Sofia Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Very nice cartoon. Does she do this commercially?
It’s really cute 🙂 I like it.
It is an incredible nice picture and very witty too! I love it! How unbelievable talented the Polgar family is!
At my website I placed a video with Sofia playing against an evil man, who cannot stand to lose from a woman…. Read the eyewitness comment!
Oh yes, the answer to your question (in Dutch, because I don’t want to spoil the fun for others to answer) is: “Stikmat”.
Nice drawing! I’d love to see more. I’ll abbreviate to let others answer, but a “S” mate is a lot of fun to pull off.
I have seen that known as boxed mate. I don’t think it’s smoothered mate because it’s not White’s own pieces that are blocking the king. 🙂
(I meant not black’s own pieces sorry.)
okay, from a chess viewpoint i admit it looks like smothered mate, but the pieces look white with a bit of glare on them and it’s not strict chess. i also thought it wasn’t smoothered mate before i came in so it’s not like i just looked it up.
The pawns can’t be white because one of them would be attacking the King simultaneously as the Knight.
Michael C.M.