Some chess politicians are quick to create or label running slate in the next USCF election.

What is a slate? Who makes this slate? Who cares? I certainly do not. I have no slate. I do not want any slate. I only care about the candidates’ talent, integrity, professionalism, experience and passion for chess. I also care about the candidates’ willingness to stay AWAY from the destructive chess politics.

If the USCF members feel that there are more qualified candidates than me or the people I asked to help, then please vote for them. This is not about my personal ego. I also have no political ambition. I love chess and I just want to do good things for my sport. Period! There is nothing else to read into. I am not going to waste time playing political games when the USCF has so many problems that need improvement.

My vision for US Chess and the USCF is I want to recruit the BEST TALENTS to help raise this sinking ship. There are so many qualified people willing to help only to be shut out or chased away. This has to stop!

Mr. Mikhail Korenman is well respected by many and he has certainly proven himself in many areas. He is ON the USCF Scholastic Council and he has ample experience, talent and passion to help the USCF. We need strong cooperation between adult chess, college chess and scholastic chess. Mr. Korenman can make this happen.

Mr. Randy Bauer was supposedly belong to some chess political slate. That did not stop me for asking him to help. Why? Because he has proven to me that he did put the best interest of chess first. It is also because of his financial expertise! Together with Mr. Joel Channing, the USCF can become a fiscally responsible and viable organization again. We need to balance the budget. We need to stop losing money year after year The USCF needs all the help possible.

Mr. Paul Truong is the best Chess Marketing and PR person in this country. Without proper and professional Marketing and PR, chess will go no where and no sponsorship will come. Past politicians have done enough to damage the USCF and its reputation. We need to turn this critical area around. With a good name and reputation again, the USCF can increase revenues through memberships, sponsorships and advertising, etc.

As for me, people can make their own judgment about me. I have always been very public about countless issues. You may not always agree with me but I will ALWAYS put the best interest of chess first. I will work with everyone who puts the best interest of chess first.

I can go on and on but I want to address this important point as some chess politicians already tried to mislead the members AGAIN. It is time for a positive road ahead! It is time to unite everyone. Thank you for your support!
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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar