Greetings fellow chess-player,
Thanks for taking the time to read about the latest fund-raising effort for the Western Massachusetts Chess Association. WMCA, a not-for-profit, 501(c7) organization has been promoting chess, organizing tournaments and supporting the chess clubs and players who reside in the western half of the state since the 1940’s! Just in case you hadn’t heard, WMCA will be hosting a fundraiser in cooperation with the Papa Gino’s restaurant chain on Tuesday, October 14th at the Papa Gino’s location at 110 King Street in Northampton, MA. Twenty per cent(!) of food purchases made that evening between 6 PM and 9 PM will be donated to WMCA!
This will be a totally social event, which I encourage you to attend with your wives and children to enjoy fellowship and fun for weeknight out!
WMCA will also be sponsoring an ongoing raffle at this event.
Raffle tickets will be on sale in advance and at the event for $1.00!! You do not need to be present to win!! Advanced purchases are welcomed!! Participants can win more than once, as raffle numbers will be drawn throughout the evening for chess books and software, as well as WMCA promotional items (t-shirts , bumper stickers, etc.). The grand prize offering of the evening will be a donated first edition hard cover issue of Bobby Fischer’s legendary book, “My 60 Memorable Games” (recently offered for sale on eBay for $145!).
Of course, we’ll play some chess… meet the public… talk about WMCA and the history of chess in western Massachusetts.
Anyone looking to donate items (chess-related or not) of good quality to be raffled off that evening are encouraged to either contact myself or any other WMCA board member, or simply show up on Tuesday night, Oct. 14th to help support a worthy cause.
Our long-term vision for WMCA is to continue to offer high quality tournaments for western Mass. residents, with bigger and better prize funds, at increasingly better locations. Monies donated to the organization allow us to continue to do so… to support the game of chess in western Massachusetts at both an adult and scholastic level, and honor the memories and efforts of so many legendary chess figures and promoters from here in western Mass.
Please join us, even for a brief “hello” at Papa Gino’s in Northampton on Tuesday evening, October 14th anytime from 6:00 to 9:00 PM!!
Best wishes,
Frank D. Kolasinski, President
Western Massachusetts Chess Association
Also to be raffled off:
Fritz 10 software, Canon Faxphone B60 Fax machine, Chronos digital chess clock
Can I buy the raffle tickets by mail?
Send a check (made out to WMCA) for the amount of tickets you wish to purchase; your name, address (where you wish the items[s] to be shipped) and send to Frank Kolasinski, 119 Brunswixk Street,
Springfield MA 01108.
I will post the winners on the WMCA web site:
I would request that if we need to ship items a long distance that you be willing to pay for shipping charges.
Best wishes,