Webster University – SPICE Sunday training (2,000 – 2,150 group) http://www.webster.edu/spice/ The group in the next hour will be 2600-2750.
What we work on? On the board perception and objective assessment, building mental toughness and stronger nerves, endgame, tactic, and working on various types of positions, etc.
I work a lot with my students (from lower level to 2,700+ GMs), dissecting their games, and helping them fix their weaknesses and enhancing their strengths. I am not a celebrity coach who shows up once every 6-12 months for photo-op then claim credits for the students’ success.
I put in a lot of hours with my students to help them succeed. That is why SPICE students win more National Championships, Major Events, World Championship Titles, and Olympiad Medals than all other American Collegiate Programs combine!
The students were given time to work on understanding the position, the come up with the ideas they think are best, we then get back in a group to dissect their ideas to see if they were on the right track or completely off base.
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