Wow ! This is brilliant ! I don’t even know the Rule. Is it possible for the Black King to move into the check of the ‘a’ Pawn, because the a Pawn is pinned by the Black rook ?
1.Kb5 Bxc5! a) 2.Kxc5 ? Rc8+! 3.Kb5 e2! 4.b7 e1Q 5.bxc8Q+ Kxc8 6.a8Q+ Kd7 7.Qc6+ Ke7 – draw. b) 2.b7 Rxa7 3.b8Q+ Kd7! / 4.Qf4 ? Rc7! 5.Qf7+ Kc8 – and black’s fortress is unbreakable. / 4.Kxc5 Rc7+ – and if white has less than 5 min left the win just slips away.
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Hi Susan Polgar,
Ref : “Unusual endgame”[White to move]
Sub : White wins the game.
White’s initial move “b7”,any combination there on will lead the White to win the game.
One lengthy Example.
1. b7 Bc5
2. b*Ra8+(Q) Kd7
3. Qd5+ Ke8
4. Q*Bc5 e2
5. Qe5+ Kf7
6. Q*e2 Kf6
7. a8(Q) Kf5
8. Qf8+ Kg5
9. Qg2+ Kh5
10.Qh8+ mate
White wins the game : 1- 0
Venky[Chennai – India]
1.Kb5! is winning
1.Kb5! wins
A)1…e2 2.b7 +-
B)1…Kc8 2.Kc6 +-
C)1…Bxc5 2.b7 +-
white wins after Kb5 there is nothing left for blakc ( he is beeing tempo out whites promotion cant be stopped! Greets everybody
Bxc5 wins according to me ….
1. b7? R:a7+ 2. K:a7 B:c5+ 3. Ka8 Bd6 wins for black.
1. Kb7? B:c5 2. K:a8 B:b6 and 3…B:a7 also wins for black.
So it looks like it is necessary to guard c5.
1. Kb5 e2 2. b7 R:a7 3. b8Q+ Ke7 4. Q:a7+ and 5. Qa1 wins.
1. Kb5 Ke7 2. b7 R:a7 3. b8Q looks like the best I can find for black. But 3… Ra3 (else 4. Qe5+) 4. c6 looks winning for white.
Kb5 Kc8 Ka6 Kd8 Kb5 Kc8 Ka6 Kd8 etc.
Wow ! This is brilliant ! I don’t even know the Rule. Is it possible for the Black King to move into the check of the ‘a’ Pawn, because the a Pawn is pinned by the Black rook ?
Brilliant problem, Susan !
What is the rule, though ?
these end game stuff are always difficult…
1. b7 loses to 1…Rxa7+ 2.Kxa7 Bxc5+ 3.Ka8 Bd6 – all forced moves and black wins
1. Kb7 draws for white…
1… e2 2.Kxa8 e8=Q 3. b7 Qe4 pinning the king and next leads to perpetual checks…
1. c6 e2
( 2.b7 loses for white similar to option A)
2. Kb7 e8=Q 3.Kxa8 Qe4
Now, 4.Kb7 leads to 4…Qe2+ and to draw via perpetual or stalemate.
4.b7 leads to 4…Qxc6 and the same drawish situation
4.Kb8 I think wins…
hmm…4) Kb8 also draws with 4…Qxc6
White must be very careful:
1.Kb5 Bxc5!
a) 2.Kxc5 ? Rc8+! 3.Kb5 e2! 4.b7 e1Q 5.bxc8Q+ Kxc8 6.a8Q+ Kd7 7.Qc6+ Ke7 – draw.
b) 2.b7 Rxa7 3.b8Q+ Kd7! / 4.Qf4 ? Rc7! 5.Qf7+ Kc8 – and black’s fortress is unbreakable. /
4.Kxc5 Rc7+ – and if white has less than 5 min left the win just slips away.
A fascinating endgame !
1.b7 RxP+
2.KxR BxP+
3.Ka8 Bd6
1.Kb5! Bxc
2.KxB e2
3.b7 e1=Q
4.PxR=Q+ Ke7
5.Qb7+ Kf6
6.Qc6+ Kf5
Hi Susan Polgar,
Very nice,as I said earlier,this blog has brilliant minds.
My earlier suggested moves for this puzzle[Initial move “b7”] got squarely stumped by brilliant minds in this blog.I have over looked forced moves.
Kudos to all those who have suggested correct moves.
Let me buck up my concentration.
Venky[Chennai – India]