The 1st Torneo Internacional Ciudad de Pontevedra is being held from 9th to 15th August at the Casino Mercantil e Industrial de Pontevedra in Galicia, Spain.
The 9-round Swiss Open is organized by the Escola Xadrez Pontevedra and is valid for the 26th Circuito Gallego de Ajedrez. Top prize are EUR 1.000 / 750 / 600 / 500 / 450 etc
Most of the players from the recently concluded Abierto Internacional Albariño in Cambados are continuing the tour in Pontevedra.
Tournament director is IM Pablo García Castro, chief arbiter is IA Álvaro Reinaldo Soto.
Participants (top seeds):
1 GM Paunovic Dragan SRB 2503
2 GM Starostits Ilmars LAT 2475
3 GM Khamrakulov Ibragim S. ESP 2474
4 FM Gonzalez Perez Arian FID 2473
5 GM Hoffman Alejandro ARG 2455
6 FM Santos Latasa Jaime ESP 2436
7 FM Meskovs Nikita LAT 2354
8 FM Alcaraz Ortega Javier ESP 2350
9 FM Kantans Toms LAT 2349
10 IM Rodriguez Lopez Rafael ESP 2265
Enough for norms?