1. Qf7 Black queen is overload both in depending his rook and white queen from checking in b7. if black reply is A) 1. … Re8 2. Qd7 with threat of Qb7 & Qc6 on next move B) 1. … Qf7 2. Re8#
1. Qf7!, and then black is in zugzwang. For example, if 1.. Qxf7 2. Rxd8# or if 1.. Qxe8 2. Qb7# or 1.. Rxe8 2. Qxd7 and finally if neither queen nor rook is moved then simply 2. Rxd8 Qxd8 3. Qb7#.
1.Rxd8 Qxd8 2.Qf7 Qb8 3.Bb7+! Qxb7 4.Qe8+ Qb8 5.Qc6+ saves the game
But 1.Qf7! wins the game
Black cannot move the queen anywhere, nor take the rook because of 2.Qb7 mate except with 1….Qc6 2.Rxd8. 2.Qxd7 is threatened and 1….Bf5 2.QxQ BxQ 3.Rxd8 allows the mate.
The strange looking Qf7 is the correct move, and I am glad to say I spotted this one almost instantly for once. The black queen is pinned to the b7 square and tied to the defense of the d8 rook (and vice versa!). I see nothing but mates:
Qf7 wins
1. Qf7
RxR then Q to 7th rank. Black cannot stop mate on b7.
1. Qf7!!
1. Qf7
Black queen is overload both in depending his rook and white queen from checking in b7.
if black reply is
A) 1. … Re8
2. Qd7 with threat of Qb7 & Qc6 on next move
B) 1. … Qf7
2. Re8#
i believe qf7 works … rxr then q to the 7th can be defended by qb8 and nb4
1.Qf7 looks pretty good, overloading the Black Queen. Phil
Anonymous said…
RxR then Q to 7th rank. Black cannot stop mate on b7.
Qb8 stops the mate
Qf7 wins
Qf7 Rxg2
Rxg2 Nb4
Rxd8+ Qxd8
this is a better solution than that last garbage I spewed forth onto the page..
The corret move would be;
1 Qf7!!!
This will leave black no options to save the game from imminent mate in a couple of moves.
1.Qf7 and black resing.
1. Qf7 and black resing.
1. Qf7!, and then black is in zugzwang. For example, if
1.. Qxf7 2. Rxd8# or if 1.. Qxe8 2. Qb7# or 1.. Rxe8 2. Qxd7 and finally if neither queen nor rook is moved then simply 2. Rxd8 Qxd8 3. Qb7#.
Qf7 immediately comes to mind. Black seems to have no way to defend both, threats of Rxd8+ or Qxd7
qf7 is the killer
1.Rxd8 Qxd8 2.Qf7 Qb8 3.Bb7+! Qxb7 4.Qe8+ Qb8 5.Qc6+ saves the game
But 1.Qf7! wins the game
Black cannot move the queen anywhere, nor take the rook because of 2.Qb7 mate except with 1….Qc6 2.Rxd8. 2.Qxd7 is threatened and 1….Bf5 2.QxQ BxQ 3.Rxd8 allows the mate.
The strange looking Qf7 is the correct move, and I am glad to say I spotted this one almost instantly for once. The black queen is pinned to the b7 square and tied to the defense of the d8 rook (and vice versa!). I see nothing but mates:
1. Qf7 Re8 (Qf7 2.Rd8#;Qe8 2.Qb7#)
2. Qd7 Rb8 (Rg2 only delays, too)
3. Qc6 Rb7
4. Qb7#
1. …..Qc8
2. Rd8 with mate unstoppable.