This Day in History
Oct. 17, 1956: Bobby Fischer beat Donald Byrne in the Game of the Century. Fischer was awarded the Brilliancy prize at Rosenwald Memorial Tournament in New York City.
[Event “3rd Rosenwald Trophy”]
[Site “New York USA”]
[Date “1956.10.17”]
[Round “8”]
[Result “0-1”]
[White “Donald Byrne”]
[Black “Robert James Fischer”]
[ECO “D92”]
1. Nf3 Nf6
2. c4 g6
3. Nc3 Bg7
4. d4 O-O
5. Bf4 d5
6. Qb3 dxc4
7. Qxc4 c6
8. e4 Nbd7
9. Rd1 Nb6
10. Qc5 Bg4
11. Bg5 Na4
12. Qa3 Nxc3
13. bxc3 Nxe4
14. Bxe7 Qb6
15. Bc4 Nxc3
16. Bc5 Rfe8+
17. Kf1 Be6
18. Bxb6 Bxc4+
19. Kg1 Ne2+
20. Kf1 Nxd4+
21. Kg1 Ne2+
22. Kf1 Nc3+
23. Kg1 axb6
24. Qb4 Ra4
25. Qxb6 Nxd1
26. h3 Rxa2
27. Kh2 Nxf2
28. Re1 Rxe1
29. Qd8+ Bf8
30. Nxe1 Bd5
31. Nf3 Ne4
32. Qb8 b5
33. h4 h5
34. Ne5 Kg7
35. Kg1 Bc5+
36. Kf1 Ng3+
37. Ke1 Bb4+
38. Kd1 Bb3+
39. Kc1 Ne2+
40. Kb1 Nc3+
41. Kc1 Rc2#
It should have been better if the moves were place in the chess Board for us to play move by move, so we could analyse what was the intent or plan for each player.
I still get chills when I play over this game and see how deep the combination was. Even Komodo 8 is impressed!
Nakamura is way better. All his games are games of the millenium.
Show your name Dufus coward.
This is chess artistry that no engine (or humans who rely on engines) will ever replicate. A seemingly harmless queen sacrifice followed by a mating trap played out by four pieces working in perfect unison. This game will send shivers down the spine of anyone with any chess sensitivity. This is the aspect of greatness that we have yet to see in today’s “strong” players.
Very good comment, Lord of the Flies.
In portuguese (and spanish too) the row number is described after the piece moved. I understand this notation in english, but is funny how diference there is in how we arrange substantives, adjetivs, verbs, adverbs in portuguese and spanish and in english. It is more easy I read and understand than write because I always think in portuguese. I often forget several expressions, or if the adverb is before or after…ok…