This letter was published on Chess Today:

“Hi Alex,

Thanks again for all the work you and your team do to produce Chess Today. I very much enjoy reading it. I was struck by the reports of Nigel Short’s call for an independent committee of decent honourable people to investigate some of the various charges and counter charges of chess cheating. I was, however, even more forcibly taken by the reactions to that call, specifically the idea expressed in CT-2279 that such people are in increasingly short supply in the world of chess.

I served from 1996-1999 on the USCF’s board and was the USCF Zone President in FIDE from 2000-2002. I traveled to those meeting at my own expense, because the USCF was in dire financial straights during that time. Nevertheless, I was accused of various “dirty deals” and routinely lied about. I never experienced anything remotely like it in my professional career. It was done with a viciousness and maliciousness that transcended “politics as usual”.

I hasten to add that I met a number of decent honourable people during my time in the USCF and in FIDE. Yet, it seems to me that the environment has degenerated to the point that peopleinterested in service to organized chess are less and less likely to become involved. More and more, we are left with those whose primary aim is to manipulate the system for their own profit.

They are the only ones who would be willing to put up with such treatment. Thanks again for Chess Today. I’d much rather try to solve the “Test Yourself!” problems than those of organized chess.

All the best,
Jim Eade, USA”

AB: I always thought that chess politics is usually worse than ‘normal’ politics, which I do not hold in high esteem. Too often I saw people in chess organisations who did not achieve much elsewhere – and were busy ‘making up time’ for that in chess politics. However, unlike my colleague Mikhail Golubev, I believe that there are still many honest and admirable people in chess. I just hopethat one day they will prevail!

As you can see, there are many people who feel this way. I am not the only one. This is why so many good people walked away from sponsoring and supporting chess. They are so sick and tired of the “chess politics” as usual mentality. Some of these chess politicians would not think twice about attacking, insulting and demeaning chess sponsors and supporters for political reason.

This is also precisely why I am giving it everything I have to help the USCF by running in the upcoming USCF election. But it has not been easy. I have been the biggest target for attacks on both personal and professional level because I do not want to be affiliated with any chess political groups. I want to do good things for chess and end this destructive behavior. It has not been easy but I am so appreciative of the kind words of encouragement from many of you. We can only succeed if we work together for the common good of chess. Thank you!

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar