December 11, 2009 12:15 PM
It’s national checkmate for Fullerton teens
FULLERTON Two options emerged.
Crush the opponent for a quick checkmate. Or force the opponent into a situation to either lose or take an unsalvageable position.
Sunny Hills High School senior Sean Manross, 17, used the first strategy to win the 45th American Open Scholastic Chess Tournament in Los Angeles last month, becoming the undefeated champion in the nationwide competition.
His classmate, Andrew Kao, 15, wasn’t far behind.
Kao, a sophomore, won second place while Troy High School senior Botao Jiang bagged the fourth prize in the contest that drew about 50 competitors.
“Chess is a game of war where the pieces are the soldiers and the players are the generals,” said Manross, offering a quick overview of the centuries-old game. “Historically, chess was played between royalty as a way of resolving war without taking lives.”
Manross latched on to the game at age 5 when his family was snowed in at Lake Arrowhead. His father, Gary, pulled out a chess board to pass the time. Sean was hooked.
“Dad knew the basics but had really never played a game,” Manross said. “I guess you could say we learned together.”
By fourth grade, Manross fell under the tutelage of Fullerton Host Lions Club member Pete Barton, who was instrumental in starting a citywide chess club. Manross progressed quickly; he tutored via phone with Grand Master Sam Palatnik.
Within a few years, the astute player was winning dozens of competitions including school, county and national tournaments. In 2006, Manross competed in the first U.S.-Russia Scholastic Chess Match in Moscow.
He scored second place in the Susan Polgar World Open Championship, earning a $36,000 scholarship to Texas Tech University.
Manross said it’s worth noting that playing chess has been proven to prevent Alzheimer’s and provides a balanced life.
“When I’m stressed out, I sit in front of the fireplace and play chess against myself,” he said.
Kao took up chess in the seventh grade after arriving from Taiwan. He, too, was tutored by Baron through school chess clubs and started winning competitions.
“At first, I thought I should focus on my English skills,” Kao said. “My dad said I should be a grand master by my junior year so I can use the special talent to get into college.”
Meanwhile, the high school winners are staying focused on improving their skills.
Manross said he continues to follow the romantic style – an open and tactical approach “where the player beats the challenger with fireworks or goes down in flames crying.”
Kao uses the position style – a controlling, one-step tactic to push the opponent to death.
Their enthusiasm has helped bolster attendance at the Sunny Hills High Chess Club, which meets weekly at lunch.
“We’re proud of these young men with their strong showing in the championships,” Sunny Hills High Principal Judy Fancher said. “I know the rules of the game, but my 13-year-old can easily beat me.”
Nice job Sean.
Sean keep up the good work. You should be proud of yourself. Keep your self confidence and grow to your next level of greatness!