Debunking Five Myths about Chess
Posted on November 19, 2011 by Laura

1) Chess is for nerds: Not so! One of the greatest things about the sport is that it attracts people from all walks of life. Whenever I played in tournaments I was always amazed at how a doctor would be playing a carpenter or a school teacher would be playing a plumber. Besides would you call John Wayne, Timothy Dalton (one of our James Bonds), Bill Cosby, Tom Selleck or Will Smith a nerd? To […]

Live Blitz Chess Video on ICC with NM William
Posted on November 18, 2011 by William

The game starts off with a classic e4, d5 Scandinavian and 2. exd5. However, instead of playing the classic Qxd5, black chooses a highly aggressive and unsound 2. c6?! However, he gets some pretty good play with a good bishop flanked on the g4 square. Complications arise as I am trying to maneuver my knights to take control of the center. I play some nice tactics that lead me to gain another pawn with 18. […]

What Are Four Letters of the Chess Alphabet?
Posted on November 18, 2011 by iPlayooChess

Any position on the chessboard is made up of interactions of pieces. We need to see these connections, or contacts between pieces, otherwise we will play blind without seeing that, say, our troops are under the enemy’s attack. Not bright prospects to win the war! There are four elementary contacts between pieces in chess. Today we are showing three of them. Each contact involves two pieces, or a piece and a square. They are: The […]

Stonewall Attack – Part 4 – How to beat the Fianchetto Defenses

Posted on November 17, 2011 by William

Part 4 of the Stonewall Attack Series features a real game I use as an example to show how to beat a fianchetto defense by black. It features none other than former World Chess Champion Mikhail Botvinnik employing the Stonewall Defense with the black pieces in Groningen 1946 against Herman Steiner. Botvinnik responds to d4 with an interesting move order, however with 6. …d5 he confirms the basic structure of the Stonewall and establishes an […]

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National Chess Master Will Stewart is a Chess Tutor who maintains a daily updated Chess Blog with videos. Interface: ICC

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