Special guests: winner of Nobel prize in economics Prof. Robert Mundell and ECU President Boris Kutin

The 1st Nanjing Super GM Tournament is taking place December 11- 21 in Nanjing, China. It’s a six-player double round robin event.

The total prize fund is 250,000€, as 80,000€ go for the winner, 2nd 55,000€, 3rd 40,000€, 4th 30,000€, 5th 25,000€ and the last one receives 20,000€.

The idea of tournament actually attribute to Prof. Mundell’s initiative. an economy professor of Columbia University. In the 1970s he laid the groundwork for the introduction of the Euro through his pioneering work in monetary dynamics and optimum currency forms, for which he won the 1999 Nobel Prize in Economics.

The father of Euro He said that the best way for Chinese cities to show openness to the outside world is to host world-class chess tournaments, that is why the prize of the super tournament is in € rather than in $, the total prize fund is 250,000€.

So far the Nanjing organizers have been very satisfied with the tournament, even though they do not have experience to organize such a high level event. Good news is that the Nanjing organizers have a 5-year plan to hold this super tournament, GM Ye Jiangchuan who is secretary-general of China Chess Association strongly suppert this plan and hope to invite top ten players of the world to come to Nanjing next time!

Official sites: http://www.chess-pearlspring.com/yindex.htm and http://blog.sina.com.cn/chessnews

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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