Me with Tommy before game 5

Even though I am a chess professional, I am a “normal” Chess Mom to my children. They win or lose just like other children. When they win, I congratulate them. When the lose, I comfort them. There is nothing more I can do when they play.

Unfortunately, too many parents go way overboard with their children after losses. Some scream, yell or discipline their children publicly. Believe me, no child would lose on purpose. The most important thing is your children have to enjoy the game. If they do not, they will not be motivated to learn or play. Losing is a part of the game. It will happen to everyone!

The best thing that you can do as parents is to be loving and supportive to your children! Christopher and Jeffrey Wu’s parents is the best example of how Chess Mom and Dad should be. They do everything they can to give their sons the opportunities to excel in what they love. Win, lose or draw, they remain loving and totally supportive of their children.
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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar