Filipinos love chess and the Filipino chess fans give unprecedented support for their chess stars.

The following was posted on

…Barangay Wesley’s memorable chess affair with GM Wesley So pushed through Monday, November 2, 2009 at Burgoo Restaurant.

It was a smooth-sailing, jolly, light-hearted affair, with all the elements of respect, admiration, and brotherhood falling perfectly into proper place.

It was a testament that when a group of individuals with common aspirations unite, they can move mountains and reach for the star.

The star? He needed no introduction. GM Wesley So simply continues to amaze and move us.

Just imagine this wonderful scene: a group of adults from different walks of life acting like jolly children from one big family, asking questions, eating, and playing with their common source of admiration – that is, Big Brother GM Wesley So. Fantastic indeed.

I’m sorry if I can’t put into words the happiness that was there. All I could say was that it was the kind of an affair where everybody had already said goodbye, but nobody wanted to walk away for the sorrow of vanishing from each other’s sight.

There are plenty of pictures here:

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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