Tata Steel Chess Tournament 2012 – Round 1 Magnus Carlsen vs Vugar Gashimov
Posted on January 15, 2012 by William in All Articles w/ Videos, Strategy & Game Review, Tournament Updates
Carlsen begins with the English Opening and Gashimov responds with the classic Hedgehog Defense, enabling white to establish a space advantage and pressure in the center while black maintains a tight position with a future “compressed spring” strategy to break open the position with thematic moves like …b5 and …d5. Carlsen opts for an early exchange of his dark-squared bishop to subsequently achieve a lasting initiative on the light squares and specifically the h1-a8 diagonal. […]
Let Your Child Teach YOU chess!
Posted on January 14, 2012 by William in General Chess Articles
Many children learn to play chess at home. You, the parent, teach them how to move their pieces, set up the board and begin play. Depending on your skill level these lessons may be rudimentary, but know they are invaluable. You have started him down an exciting path. Inevitably he will venture off and play others in school or perhaps even take lessons. As this happens expect him to come home one day and […]
Tata Steel Chess 2012 – Wijk Aan Zee
Posted on January 13, 2012 by William in Tournament Updates
The Tata Steel Chess Tournament 2012 is the strongest chess tournament ever held in Wijk Aan Zee, bringing in 14 of the world’s top players in the A group to boast an average FIDE rating of 2755! The organizers have really done an incredible job of putting the Tata Steel Chess Tournament 2012 together, featuring 8 of the top 10 highest rated chess players in the world (only missing former World Chess Champion Vladimir Kramnik […]

William Stewart is a National Master. He specializes in Chess Coaching Online and maintains a daily updated Chess Blog
Round 1 was amazing.