Yasser Annotates for www.ChessCafe.com Karpov–Kamsky, FIDE-Wch Elista 1996 Karpov, Anatoly (2770) – Kamsky, Gata (2735)FIDE-Wch Elista (1), June 6, 1996Grünfeld [D98] 1.d4 Nf6 Karpov, as expected, opened with his d-pawn. 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 I expected Kamsky to answer...
Seirawan in Malaysia

Photo courtesy of ChessBase Up against SeirawanChessBy QUAH SENG SUN Pit your chess skills against one of the world’s best players. WE ARE almost there. Just about a week away from the start of the Malaysian Chess Festival and...
A tribute to Duncan Suttles

homage to a legendThe play of Duncan Suttles shows how it’s done Ian Mulgrew, Vancouver SunPublished: Saturday, March 08, 2008 Bruce Harper, a Vancouver-based federal-government lawyer by day, has produced a three-volume homage to retired Canadian chess legend Duncan...