Rank after Round 6 (top 50) Rk. SNo Name FED Rtg RtgN Pts. TB1 TB2 TB3 1 16 GM Sébastien Mazé FRA 2617 0 5,5 17,5 3 5,0 2 1 GM Andreikin Dmitry RUS 2736 0 5,5 17,0...
Smirin leads Politiken Cup after 6

Leaders after 6 rounds Pl. Politiken Cup R ELO Po MiBu SoBer 1 4. GM Ilia Smirin () 0 2663 6 19 24 2 2. GM Markus Ragger (SG Solingen) 0 2688 5½ 20,5 23,25 3 8. GM Aleksandr...
2 veteran GMs lead Rilton Cup after 8

Round 8 top board results 1 GM Smirin Ilya 2652 5½ 1 – 0 6 GM Shimanov Aleksandr 2630 2 GM Krasenkow Michal 2628 5½ 1 – 0 5½ GM Volodin Aleksandr 2506 3 IM Sipilä Vilka 2425 5 1 – 0...
Onischuk rocks again!

Onischuk, A (2670) – Smirin, I (2668) [E92]World Team Championship (5), 09.01.2010 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.Nf3 0–0 6.Be2 e5 7.Be3 Ng4 8.Bg5 f6 9.Bh4 g5 10.Bg3 Nh6 11.c5 g4 12.Nh4 Nc6 13.cxd6 cxd6 14.dxe5...
Smirin wins Acropolis

The 2008 Acropolis Open drew 84 chessplayers from 22 countries. GMs Smirin and Parligras tied for 1st, with Smirin taking the title on tie-breaks. Final Standings: 1 GM Smirin Ilia 2637 ISR 72 GM Parligras Mircea 2588 ROU 7...
Smirin and Mircea lead Acropolis

GM Ilia Smirin and GM Mircea Parligras lead the Acropolis chess tournamentthe chasing pack is close behindReport by Chessdom GM Ilia Smirin and GM Mircea Parligras are top of the table after 5 rounds of the Acropolis international chess...
Smirin wins Acropolis

Here are the top finishers of the 2007 Acropolis International Tournament: 1 GM Smirin Ilia 2649 ISR 7 2 GM Georgiev Kiril 2663 BUL 6½3 GM Parligras Mircea 2542 ROM 6½4 GM Mastrovasilis Dimitrios 2541 GRE 6½5 GM Malakhatko...
Smirin wins Acropolis International

The 2007 Acropolis International Chess Tournament is taking place in Athens, Greece from August 14 to 22, 2007. The tournament leaders going into the last round are: Ilia Smirin with 6½ pointsGeorgiev, Malakhatko, Banikas and Svetushkin with 6 points...