RZA challenges Jay Z to $1 million chess showdown by Bert BernsteinPublished Fri 09 Dec 2011 14:08 To help promote the release of his new Apple application, RZA of the Wu Tang Clan has issued a $1million mystery of...
Interview mit RZA

“Am Brett darfst du deine Wut rauslassen” Sie sind eine der einflussreichsten HipHop-Gruppen der Gegenwart: der Wu-Tang Clan, der sich Anfang der 90-er Jahre in Staten Island, New York City, formiert hat. Kopf der Truppe ist Robert Diggs (39)...
Chess-fan Clan

Chess-fan Clan plans tourneyTucson, Arizona Published: 12.04.2008— Kevin W. Smith The rappers in Wu-Tang Clan have always incorporated the game of chess into their lyrics, particularly chess fanatics RZA and GZA.This year, RZA launched WuChess.com, where players from around...
The chess future

Chess goes hip-hopBy Ted Geoghegan Special to amNewYork6:45 PM EDT, June 24, 2008 In 2003, Jay-Z opened 40/40 nightclub in NYC and installed a vertical chessboard in its VIP Cognac Room. (Associated Press) The public perception of the geeky...