I am happy to say that IM Ray Robson has confirmed his participation at the Texas Tech SPICE Spring Invitational. Robson and Hess are two of the most talented young American players right now and they deserve a chance to earn their GM norms. I am glad to be able to offer them that chance. […]
The chess football prodigy

Keivom / News Robert Hess is a 15-year-old chess prodigy & plays footballBY FILIP BONDY DAILY NEWS SPORTS WRITERSunday, September 2nd 2007, 4:00 AM Robert Hess (top r.) won U.S. Junior championship in chess at age 14. Now 15, he’s just one of many playing linebacker for Stuyvesant High School’s junior varsity team and head […]
2 Americans earned FIDE titles

Congratulations to Frank K. Berry, sponsor of the 2007 US and US Women’s Championship. He just earned his IA (International Arbiter) title. Also congratulations to Robert Hess for earning his IM title. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar