It is set to launch on April 1, 2009 online and April 2, 2009 at the Supernationals in Nashville! Stay tuned for more information shortly. This project is in collaboration with World Chess Live, ICC and FIDE Trainers’ Commission. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Exclusive chess teaching method
I posted the text below yesterday. Special thanks to everyone for your countless wonderful emails and messages. The idea came from having so many students and inquiries about chess lessons and special training. It then became impossible for me to accomodate everyone and I feel very bad about it. I love teaching and sharing my […]
PCU and Chess TV
I recently reached an agreement with the Internet Chess Club to host the Polgar Chess University online on World Chess Live. The idea is for me to conduct chess training classes online in three levels: * Beginner (aiming for under 1000)* Intermediate (approximately 1000 – 1600)* Advanced (approximately 1600 to 2200) It will start with […]
Polgar Chess University Online
I have recently reached an agreement with the Internet Chess Club to host the Polgar Chess University online on World Chess Live. The idea is for me to conduct chess training classes online in three levels: * Beginner (aiming for under 1000)* Intermediate (approximately 1000 – 1600)* Advanced (approximately 1600 to 2200) It will start […]