This is oldest one in the chess set collection on display. It is made out of ivory. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
More unique pieces
I have seen thousands of chess sets and I have not seen many of these sets before. It is quite a collection. If you are on campus, drop by the Southwest Collection and see them for yourself. Chess Daily...
Unique chess pieces
This is one of many unique chess sets and pieces on display at the Southwest Collection at Texas Tech University. These belong to Mr. Giles McCrary and the OS Museum in Post, Texas. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Chess display at the Southwest Collection
L to R: Hernandez, Becerra, Lugo, Hoyos, Miton, Krush and Hera. (Perelshteyn, Schneider and Stein are not in the picture). Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar